Find your flow.

The path to maternal mental wellbeing with Kate Kripke.

. The path to mothering our children in healthy ways starts with our own wellbeing.

My programs help mothers find grounding, recover from anxiety, and reclaim their sense of success in the world. Because when you thrive, your kids thrive. I am committed to meeting you where you are today as well as into the future.

Not sure what you need or not sure if working with me feels like a fit? Schedule a free 45-minute discovery call and we can uncover what is best for you.

Maternal Mental Wellbeing Programs


12-weeks to less anxiety and more connection in motherhood

Are you a high-achieving woman with kids aged 0-12? Do you often feel anxious, overwhelmed, or plagued by mom-guilt? You're not alone.

It's high time we shift the narrative. Being a great mother doesn't mean neglecting ourselves. Often, in our pursuit to give our all to our kids, we end up feeling drained, anxious, and second-guessing our capabilities. The result? We sometimes react in ways that we regret later.

Introducing The Calm Connection System – a transformative program tailored for empowered women like you- women who are eager to reclaim their mental well-being and lead a balanced life, ensuring not just their own happiness, but that of their children as well.

This system empowers you to:

• Take charge of your thoughts and emotions.

• Foster a deeper connection with yourself.

• Determine where to channel your energy for optimal results.

• Improve your relationship with your children, fostering secure bonds.

By participating, you'll not only find personal clarity and renewed purpose, but you'll also witness the ripple effect of your well-being on your children. Watch as you both thrive together, experiencing the harmony and joy of a balanced life.

Dive into a community of high-achieving mothers, all united in the pursuit of health, wellbeing, purpose, and the shared magic of motherhood. Join The Calm Connection System and let's redefine motherhood together!

1-1 Support

Are you a woman who has, throughout your life, considered yourself to be successful in the things that you set your mind to?

Are you finding that the things that you have always done to feel grounded, competent, and successful in life are no longer working in motherhood?

Are you struggling with the guilt that comes with not feeling like you have enough time to give to your work and/or passions in life and and your children?

Do you worry about your impact on your kid/s and fear that you aren’t giving them what they need?

If you are looking for support around your mental health and wellbeing that is proactive, evidence-based, efficient, and effective and are wanting for more personalized 1-1 guidance as you navigate your mental health and well-being and your mothering journey, I’ve got you.

I offer maternal mental health coaching packages that will help you to move through your challenges effectively. While bringing my 20+ years as a psychotherapist and expert in maternal and child mental health into the coaching space, we will work with a specific challenge or problem you are having and get you to resolution. Working together in this capacity will allow me to be more hands-on and supportive of your unique, individual needs.

Book a call with me to learn more:

Take the Leap

Healthy Moms TAKE THE LEAP

This 12-month opportunity is intended for women who know that they want to make a change in their life and are looking for support in meeting this goal.

In this program I am teaming up with Ashley Wick, Transformational Leadership coach, to provide you a combined expertise in psychology and transformational coaching in support of making a meaningful change in your life. Oftentimes, making big changes unearths fear, emotional distress, and sometimes old trauma. Through the unique holding of both a leadership coach and a mental health spc, you will be encouraged toward this change with safe holding and support so that the changes you make are both sustainable and healthy.


  • Every-other week virtual meetings

  • Quarterly 30-minute 1-1 coaching sessions 

  • 2-day retreat in Boulder, CO

  • Your investment: $14,880 or $1,240/month

  • Next cohort launches April 10 2024

Limited to 10-12 women

The Mother’s Journey to

Mental Wellness

By Kate Kripke

What Moms are Saying

“I cannot say enough good things about Kate Kripke. She is amazing, and I am so grateful to have had the chance to work with her. Because of her, I feel like I’m a better mom, I’m a better friend, I’m a better spouse…and I take more joy in my life than I thought was possible, and I’m doing things that I never even thought were possible. And I’m having so much fun doing them, and it is all because of my work with Kate. I couldn’t be more grateful.”

1:1 Coaching Client